2022 NFT guide for Artists — start selling TODAY

4 min readJan 10, 2022

Who is this guide for ?

This guide is for someone who is willing to try selling art as NFT but does not have technical knowledge and wants to start TODAY. I want to be clear and leave details for further guides. This guide is introductory and not intended for NFT experts.

If you are visual artist and have been using platforms like RedBubble or others to sell your art I suggest you consider selling art as NFT. Why NFT instead of other platforms ? I will explain in next chapter. We will go through basic and explain mail steps in order to start selling your original artworks as NFT.

Why NFT market ?

I will compare RedBubble and Opensea just for illustration of volume NFT is generating out of my personal experience.

NFT market has hit 40 billions of dollars according to Financial Times in 2021. In comparison RedBubble volume was around 400 million dollars according to annual report. NFT market cap compared to RedBubble for example is 100X higher so I think you don’t need bigger motivation.

NFTs are so hyped similarly like cryptocurrencies in last few years so this brings profitable prospect for early adopters and creative creators and artists. Currently there is huge hype around NFTs, huge volume of daily trades and huge potential for future growth. It can be a good opportunity for artists to sell their work.

What exactly is NFT ?

NFT stands for Non-fungible token, as opposed to fungible tokens for example BitCoin, meaning NFT asset is unique unlike regular tokens or coins.

Think of it as converting your digital art to NFT digital token that enables you to verify ownership or sell ownership to someone else.

Technical explanation would be that NFT is based on blockchain technology (BitCoin, Ethereum etc.). Blockchain is decentralized platform that stores ledger of transactions to prove transaction authenticity and this way enables user to exchange currency without central authority (like Bank or Government). NFTs uses blockchain in the similar way so by converting your digital artwork (music, images, code etc.) into NFT based on blockchain platform your ownership is proven. It also enables you to transfer ownership to someone else.

Convert your art into NFT and start selling today ?

We will explain everything you need in order to start selling today. You need three simple things:

  • Original artwork (your artwork you want to sell)
  • Crypto wallet — mobile app to store your cryptocurrencies or NFTs.
  • Market — open an account on market, you need it to create NFT

Install crypto wallet on your smartphone

I’m using Coinbase wallet.

Create Opensea account

Go to your browser and go to www.opensea.com.

In order for you to start creating NFTs and selling them you need to connect to your wallet. I use Coinbase wallet.

Select your wallet

So now you just need to select your wallet, open your smartphone -scan QR code and follow on screen instructions.

Connecting Opensea with your Smartphone wallet

Completing the process is straightforward just follow the instructions. Once you complete the registration process its time to start creating NFTs.

Create NFT

On the main menu on your newly created page select “Create”. Fill in new NFT details as requested:

Creating a new NFT

As a beginner artist I recommend to select Polygon network as a Blockchain platform to avoid expensive fees.

In order to create NFT you have to select Blockchain platform

You have created your first NFT.

Sell your NFT

Open your NFT and select Sell option.

Selling NFT on Openspace

Select a Quantity and price in ETH and you are complete. When you have created your first NFT and listed it for sale you can use Share feature to copy link and distribute it on your social media channels.

If you find this useful subscribe, I will be posting on:

  • Opensea details
  • Marketing strategies
  • Steps needed to land a first NFT sale
  • Market analysis

Feel free to look at my Opensea page, and linked Twitter account as a reference and drop me a question. I will answer.

